Community Living Oshawa/Clarington is committed to assisting people with developmental disabilities experience community life at its fullest. We believe that all people should have a choice of where to live, work, play or attend school.
Community Living is a place where everyone belongs.
When you partner with Community Living Oshawa/Clarington, you help to ensure that more children, adults and their families receive the individualized support they need.
How your donations will make a difference:
•Allow Community Living Oshawa/Clarington to make necessary accessibility construction and renovations to meet the changing needs of the people we support. For example, help us to widen doorways, update air circulation systems. Improve heating and air conditioning systems and replace worn roofs.
•Provide support for youth still in school to develop the skills necessary for living and thriving in our community.
•Provide essential respite opportunities for families and support systems for aging parents.
•Provide opportunities for people to participate fully within our community by assisting with transportation or annual passes for recreational facilities.
•Supporting adults to live full active lives
Make wishes and hopes come true for people who might not otherwise have the opportunity to make them happen. For example a trip to Nashville, or a new residence to live independently in; just two of the many wishes and hopes we have made happen.
All donations of $10.00 or more will automatically receive a tax receipt. Our annual report with audited financial statements is available upon request.
We accept on-line donations.

Other payment options are available by downloading a donor pledge form.
Charitable Registration Number: 108091307RR0001

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