Passports Initiative


Passports Initiative

Adults who have a developmental disability can apply for a Ministry of  Children Community and Social

Services initiative called Passport: Funding for Community Participation Supports.

Passport has been developed to improve the quality of participation in the community for adults who have a developmental disability. Passport provides people the option of receiving funds to purchase community participation supports and/or access services through community agencies.


Who can apply? People who:

•live in Ontario

•have a developmental disability documented by a family doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist and are aged 18+

are deemed eligible through Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)


What can the funding be used for?

It can be used to purchase community supports through local services and/or classes. This means people can hire a support person or service provider to help them prepare for a job, volunteer in the community, gain adult living skills, continue their education after high school or access community recreation. It can also be used for caregiver respite supports (for those living with their families) or person directed planning.


Community Living Oshawa/Clarington can help you by:

•Providing direct support

•Provide assistance with developing and coordinating a plan for achieving your goals

•Brokerage of funding


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